Source code for sctools.bam

Tools for Manipulating SAM/BAM format files

.. currentmodule:: sctools

This module provides functions and classes to subsample reads from bam files that correspond to
specific chromosomes, split bam files into chunks, assign tags to bam files from paired fastq
records, and iterate over sorted bam files by one or more tags

This module makes heavy use of the pysam wrapper for HTSlib, a high-performance c-library designed
to manipulate sam files

iter_tag_groups                         function to iterate over reads by an arbitrary tag
iter_cell_barcodes                      wrapper for iter_tag_groups that iterates over cell barcode tags
iter_genes                              wrapper for iter_tag_groups that iterates over gene tags
iter_molecules                          wrapper for iter_tag_groups that iterates over molecule tags
sort_by_tags_and_queryname              sort bam by given list of zero or more tags, followed by query name
verify_sort                             verifies whether bam is correctly sorted by given list of tags, then query name

SubsetAlignments                        class to extract reads specific to requested chromosome(s)
Tagger                                  class to add tags to sam/bam records from paired fastq records
AlignmentSortOrder                      abstract class to represent alignment sort orders
QueryNameSortOrder                      alignment sort order by query name
TagSortableRecord                       class to facilitate sorting of pysam.AlignedSegments
SortError                               error raised when sorting is incorrect

htslib :


import functools
from functools import partial, reduce
import math
import os
import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import (

import pysam
import shutil
import multiprocessing
import uuid

from . import consts

# File descriptor to write log messages to

[docs]class SubsetAlignments: """Wrapper for pysam/htslib that extracts reads corresponding to requested chromosome(s) Parameters ---------- alignment_file : str sam or bam file open_mode : {'r', 'rb', None}, optional open mode for pysam.AlignmentFile. 'r' indicates a sam file, 'rb' indicates a bam file, and None attempts to autodetect based on the file suffix (Default = None) Methods ------- indices_by_chromosome returns indices to line numbers containing the requested number of reads for a specified chromosome Notes ----- samtools is a good general-purpose tool for that is capable of most subsampling tasks. It is a good idea to check the samtools documentation when approaching these types of tasks. References ---------- samtools documentation : """ def __init__(self, alignment_file: str, open_mode: str = None): if open_mode is None: if alignment_file.endswith(".bam"): open_mode = "rb" elif alignment_file.endswith(".sam"): open_mode = "r" else: raise ValueError( f"Could not autodetect file type for alignment_file {alignment_file} (detectable suffixes: " f".sam, .bam)" ) self._file: str = alignment_file self._open_mode: str = open_mode
[docs] def indices_by_chromosome( self, n_specific: int, chromosome: str, include_other: int = 0 ) -> Union[List[int], Tuple[List[int], List[int]]]: """Return the list of first `n_specific` indices of reads aligned to `chromosome`. Parameters ---------- n_specific : int Number of aligned reads to return indices for chromosome : str Only reads from this chromosome are considered valid include_other : int, optional The number of reads to include that are NOT aligned to chromosome. These can be aligned or unaligned reads (default = 0). Returns ------- chromosome_indices : List[int] list of indices to reads aligning to `chromosome` other_indices : List[int], optional list of indices to reads NOT aligning to chromosome, only returned if include_other is not 0. """ # acceptable chromosomes valid_chromosomes = [str(i) for i in range(1, 23)] + ["M", "MT", "X", "Y"] valid_chromosomes.extend(["chr" + v for v in valid_chromosomes]) # check chromosome if isinstance(chromosome, int) and chromosome < 23: chromosome = str(chromosome) # try to convert if chromosome not in valid_chromosomes: warnings.warn( "chromsome %s not in list of expected chromosomes: %r" % (chromosome, valid_chromosomes) ) with pysam.AlignmentFile(self._file, self._open_mode) as fin: chromosome = str(chromosome) chromosome_indices = [] other_indices = [] for i, record in enumerate(fin): if not record.is_unmapped: # record is mapped if chromosome == record.reference_name: if len(chromosome_indices) < n_specific: chromosome_indices.append(i) elif len(other_indices) < include_other: other_indices.append(i) elif len(other_indices) < include_other: # record is not mapped other_indices.append(i) # check termination condition (we have the requisite number of reads if ( len(chromosome_indices) == n_specific and len(other_indices) == include_other ): break if len(chromosome_indices) < n_specific or len(other_indices) < include_other: warnings.warn( "Only %d unaligned and %d reads aligned to chromosome %s were found in" "%s" % (len(other_indices), len(chromosome_indices), chromosome, self._file) ) if include_other != 0: return chromosome_indices, other_indices else: return chromosome_indices
[docs]class Tagger: """Add tags to a bam file from tag generators. Parameters ---------- bam_file : str Bam file that tags are to be added to. Methods ------- tag tag bam records given tag_generators (often generated from paired bam or fastq files) # todo this should probably be wrapped up in __init__ to make this more function-like """ def __init__(self, bam_file: str) -> None: if not isinstance(bam_file, str): raise TypeError( f'The argument "bam_file" must be of type str, not {type(bam_file)}' ) self.bam_file = bam_file # todo add type to tag_generators (make sure it doesn't introduce import issues
[docs] def tag(self, output_bam_name: str, tag_generators) -> None: """Add tags to bam_file. Given a bam file and tag generators derived from files sharing the same sort order, adds tags to the .bam file, and writes the resulting file to output_bam_name. Parameters ---------- output_bam_name : str Name of output tagged bam. tag_generators : List[fastq.TagGenerator] list of generators that yield fastq.Tag objects """ with pysam.AlignmentFile( self.bam_file, "rb", check_sq=False ) as inbam, pysam.AlignmentFile( output_bam_name, "wb", template=inbam ) as outbam: # zip up all the iterators for *tag_sets, sam_record in zip(*tag_generators, inbam): for tag_set in tag_sets: for tag in tag_set: sam_record.set_tag(*tag) outbam.write(sam_record)
[docs]def get_barcodes_from_bam( in_bam: str, tags: List[str], raise_missing: bool ) -> Set[str]: """Get all the distinct barcodes from a bam :param in_bam: str Input bam file. :param tags: List[str] Tags in the bam that might contain barcodes. :param raise_missing: bool Raise an error if no barcodes can be found. :return: set A set of barcodes found in the bam This set will not contain a None value """ barcodes = set() # Get all the Barcodes from the BAM with pysam.AlignmentFile(in_bam, "rb", check_sq=False) as input_alignments: for alignment in input_alignments: barcode = get_barcode_for_alignment(alignment, tags, raise_missing) # If no provided tag was found on the record that had a non-null value if barcode is not None: barcodes.add(barcode) return barcodes
[docs]def get_barcode_for_alignment( alignment: pysam.AlignedSegment, tags: List[str], raise_missing: bool ) -> str: """ Get the barcode for an Alignment :param alignment: pysam.AlignedSegment An Alignment from pysam. :param tags: List[str] Tags in the bam that might contain barcodes. If multiple Tags are passed, will return the contents of the first tag that contains a barcode. :param raise_missing: bool Raise an error if no barcodes can be found. :return: str A barcode for the alignment, or None if one is not found and raise_missing is False. """ alignment_barcode = None for tag in tags: # The non-existent barcode should be the exceptional case, so try/except is faster than if/else try: alignment_barcode = alignment.get_tag(tag) break # Got the key, don't bother getting the next tag except KeyError: continue # Try to get the next tag if raise_missing and alignment_barcode is None: raise RuntimeError( "Alignment encountered that is missing {} tag(s).".format(tags) ) return alignment_barcode
[docs]def write_barcodes_to_bins( in_bam: str, tags: List[str], barcodes_to_bins: Dict[str, int], raise_missing: bool ) -> List[str]: """ Write barcodes to appropriate bins as defined by barcodes_to_bins :param in_bam: str The bam file to read. :param tags: List[str] Tags in the bam that might contain barcodes. :param barcodes_to_bins: Dict[str, int] A Dict from barcode to bin. All barcodes of the same type need to be written to the same bin. These numbered bins are merged after parallelization so that all alignments with the same barcode are in the same bam. :param raise_missing: bool Raise an error if no barcodes can be found. :return: A list of paths to the written bins. """ # Create all the output files with pysam.AlignmentFile(in_bam, "rb", check_sq=False) as input_alignments: # We need a random int appended to the dirname to make sure input bams with the same name don't clash dirname = ( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(in_bam))[0] + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4()) ) os.makedirs(dirname) files = [] bins = list(set(barcodes_to_bins.values())) filepaths = [] # barcode_to_bins is a dict of barcodes to ints. The ints are contiguous and are used as indices # in the files array. The files array is an array of open file handles to write to. for i in range(len(bins)): out_bam_name = os.path.join(f"{dirname}", f"{dirname}_{i}.bam") filepaths.append(out_bam_name) open_bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(out_bam_name, "w", template=input_alignments) files.append(open_bam) # Loop over input; check each tag in priority order and partition barcodes into files based # on the highest priority tag that is identified for alignment in input_alignments: barcode = get_barcode_for_alignment(alignment, tags, raise_missing) if barcode is not None: # Find or set the file associated with the tag and write the record to the correct file out_file = files[barcodes_to_bins[barcode]] out_file.write(alignment) for file in files: file.close() return filepaths
[docs]def merge_bams(bams: List[str]) -> str: """ Merge input bams using samtools. This cannot be a local function within `split` because then Python "cannot pickle a local object". :param bams: Name of the final bam + bams to merge. Because of how its called using multiprocessing, the bam basename is the first element of the list. :return: The output bam name. """ bam_name = os.path.realpath(bams[0] + ".bam") bams_to_merge = bams[1:] pysam.merge("-c", "-p", bam_name, *bams_to_merge) return bam_name
[docs]def split( in_bams: List[str], out_prefix: str, tags: List[str], approx_mb_per_split: float = 1000, raise_missing: bool = True, num_processes: int = None, ) -> List[str]: """split `in_bam` by tag into files of `approx_mb_per_split` Parameters ---------- in_bams : str Input bam files. out_prefix : str Prefix for all output files; output will be named as prefix_n where n is an integer equal to the chunk number. tags : List[str] The bam tags to split on. The tags are checked in order, and sorting is done based on the first identified tag. Further tags are only checked if the first tag is missing. This is useful in cases where sorting is executed over a corrected barcode, but some records only have a raw barcode. approx_mb_per_split : float The target file size for each chunk in mb raise_missing : bool, optional if True, raise a RuntimeError if a record is encountered without a tag. Else silently discard the record (default = True) num_processes : int, optional The number of processes to parallelize over. If not set, will use all available processes. Returns ------- output_filenames : List[str] list of filenames of bam chunks Raises ------ ValueError when `tags` is empty RuntimeError when `raise_missing` is true and any passed read contains no `tags` """ if len(tags) == 0: raise ValueError("At least one tag must be passed") if num_processes is None: num_processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # find correct number of subfiles to spawn bam_mb = sum(os.path.getsize(b) * 1e-6 for b in in_bams) n_subfiles = int(math.ceil(bam_mb / approx_mb_per_split)) if n_subfiles > consts.MAX_BAM_SPLIT_SUBFILES_TO_WARN: warnings.warn( f"Number of requested subfiles ({n_subfiles}) exceeds " f"{consts.MAX_BAM_SPLIT_SUBFILES_TO_WARN}; this may cause OS errors by exceeding fid limits" ) if n_subfiles > consts.MAX_BAM_SPLIT_SUBFILES_TO_RAISE: raise ValueError( f"Number of requested subfiles ({n_subfiles}) exceeds " f"{consts.MAX_BAM_SPLIT_SUBFILES_TO_RAISE}; this will usually cause OS errors, " f"think about increasing max_mb_per_split." ) full_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_processes) # Get all the barcodes over all the bams os.write(STDERR, b"Retrieving barcodes from bams\n") result = partial(get_barcodes_from_bam, tags=tags, raise_missing=raise_missing), in_bams ) barcodes_list = list(reduce(lambda set1, set2: set1.union(set2), result)) os.write(STDERR, b"Retrieved barcodes from bams\n") # Create the barcodes to bin mapping os.write(STDERR, b"Allocating bins\n") barcodes_to_bins_dict = {} # barcodes_list will always contain non-None elements from get_barcodes_from_bam if len(barcodes_list) <= n_subfiles: for barcode_index in range(len(barcodes_list)): barcodes_to_bins_dict[barcodes_list[barcode_index]] = barcode_index else: for barcode_index in range(len(barcodes_list)): file_index = barcode_index % n_subfiles barcodes_to_bins_dict[barcodes_list[barcode_index]] = file_index # Split the bams by barcode in parallel os.write(STDERR, b"Splitting the bams by barcode\n") # Samtools needs a thread for compression, so we leave half the given processes open. write_pool_processes = math.ceil(num_processes / 2) if num_processes > 2 else 1 write_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(write_pool_processes) scattered_split_result = partial( write_barcodes_to_bins, tags=list(tags), raise_missing=raise_missing, barcodes_to_bins=barcodes_to_bins_dict, ), in_bams, ) bin_indices = list(set(barcodes_to_bins_dict.values())) # Create a list of lists, where the first element of every sub-list is the name of the final output bam bins = list([f"{out_prefix}_{index}"] for index in bin_indices) # A shard is the computation of writing barcodes to bins # Gather all the files for each bin into the same sub-list. for shard_index in range(len(scattered_split_result)): shard = scattered_split_result[shard_index] for file_index in range(len(shard)): bins[file_index].append(shard[file_index]) write_pool.close() # Recombine the binned bams os.write(STDERR, b"Merging temporary bam files\n") merged_bams =, bins) os.write(STDERR, b"deleting temporary files\n") for paths in scattered_split_result: shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(paths[0])) full_pool.close() return merged_bams
# todo change this to throw away "None" reads instead of appending them if we are filtering them
[docs]def iter_tag_groups( tag: str, bam_iterator: Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment], filter_null: bool = False ) -> Generator: """Iterates over reads and yields them grouped by the provided tag value Parameters ---------- tag : str BAM tag to group over bam_iterator : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] open bam file that can be iterated over filter_null : bool, optional If False, all reads that lack the requested tag are yielded together. Else, all reads that lack the tag will be discarded (default = False). Yields ------ grouped_by_tag : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] reads sharing a unique value of tag current_tag : str the tag that reads in the group all share """ # get first read and tag set reads = [next(bam_iterator)] try: current_tag = reads[0].get_tag(tag) except KeyError: current_tag = None # null tag is a category that gets emitted # now iterate over alignment sets for alignment in bam_iterator: try: next_tag = alignment.get_tag(tag) except KeyError: next_tag = None # null tag is a category that we will emit if next_tag == current_tag: reads.append(alignment) else: # only yield if the tag is non-null or filter_null is false if not filter_null or current_tag is not None: yield iter(reads), current_tag # reset to next group reads = [alignment] current_tag = next_tag if not filter_null or current_tag is not None: yield iter(reads), current_tag
[docs]def iter_molecule_barcodes(bam_iterator: Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment]) -> Generator: """Iterate over all the molecules of a bam file sorted by molecule. Parameters ---------- bam_iterator : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] open bam file that can be iterated over Yields ------ grouped_by_tag : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] reads sharing a unique molecule barcode tag current_tag : str the molecule barcode that records in the group all share """ return iter_tag_groups( tag=consts.MOLECULE_BARCODE_TAG_KEY, bam_iterator=bam_iterator )
[docs]def iter_cell_barcodes(bam_iterator: Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment]) -> Generator: """Iterate over all the cells of a bam file sorted by cell. Parameters ---------- bam_iterator : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] open bam file that can be iterated over Yields ------ grouped_by_tag : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] reads sharing a unique cell barcode tag current_tag : str the cell barcode that reads in the group all share """ return iter_tag_groups(tag=consts.CELL_BARCODE_TAG_KEY, bam_iterator=bam_iterator)
[docs]def iter_genes(bam_iterator: Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment]) -> Generator: """Iterate over all the cells of a bam file sorted by gene. Parameters ---------- bam_iterator : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] open bam file that can be iterated over Yields ------ grouped_by_tag : Iterator[pysam.AlignedSegment] reads sharing a unique gene name tag current_tag : str the gene id that reads in the group all share """ return iter_tag_groups(tag=consts.GENE_NAME_TAG_KEY, bam_iterator=bam_iterator)
[docs]def get_tag_or_default( alignment: pysam.AlignedSegment, tag_key: str, default: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """Extracts the value associated to `tag_key` from `alignment`, and returns a default value if the tag is not present.""" try: return alignment.get_tag(tag_key) except KeyError: return default
[docs]class AlignmentSortOrder: """The base class of alignment sort orders.""" @property @abstractmethod def key_generator(self) -> Callable[[pysam.AlignedSegment], Any]: """Returns a callable function that calculates a sort key from given pysam.AlignedSegment.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class QueryNameSortOrder(AlignmentSortOrder): """Alignment record sort order by query name."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sort_key(alignment: pysam.AlignedSegment) -> str: return alignment.query_name
@property def key_generator(self): return QueryNameSortOrder.get_sort_key def __repr__(self) -> str: return "query_name"
[docs]@functools.total_ordering class TagSortableRecord(object): """Wrapper for pysam.AlignedSegment that facilitates sorting by tags and query name.""" def __init__( self, tag_keys: Iterable[str], tag_values: Iterable[str], query_name: str, record: pysam.AlignedSegment = None, ) -> None: self.tag_keys = tag_keys self.tag_values = tag_values self.query_name = query_name self.record = record
[docs] @classmethod def from_aligned_segment( cls, record: pysam.AlignedSegment, tag_keys: Iterable[str] ) -> "TagSortableRecord": """Create a TagSortableRecord from a pysam.AlignedSegment and list of tag keys""" assert record is not None tag_values = [get_tag_or_default(record, key, "") for key in tag_keys] query_name = record.query_name return cls(tag_keys, tag_values, query_name, record)
def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, TagSortableRecord): return NotImplemented self.__verify_tag_keys_match(other) for (self_tag_value, other_tag_value) in zip(self.tag_values, other.tag_values): if self_tag_value < other_tag_value: return True elif self_tag_value > other_tag_value: return False return self.query_name < other.query_name def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: # TODO: Add more error checking if not isinstance(other, TagSortableRecord): return NotImplemented self.__verify_tag_keys_match(other) for (self_tag_value, other_tag_value) in zip(self.tag_values, other.tag_values): if self_tag_value != other_tag_value: return False return self.query_name == other.query_name def __verify_tag_keys_match(self, other) -> None: if self.tag_keys != other.tag_keys: format_str = "Cannot compare records using different tag lists: {0}, {1}" raise ValueError(format_str.format(self.tag_keys, other.tag_keys)) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self) -> str: format_str = "TagSortableRecord(tags: {0}, tag_values: {1}, query_name: {2}" return format_str.format(self.tag_keys, self.tag_values, self.query_name)
[docs]def sort_by_tags_and_queryname( records: Iterable[pysam.AlignedSegment], tag_keys: Iterable[str] ) -> Iterable[pysam.AlignedSegment]: """Sorts the given bam records by the given tags, followed by query name. If no tags are given, just sorts by query name. """ tag_sortable_records = ( TagSortableRecord.from_aligned_segment(r, tag_keys) for r in records ) sorted_records = sorted(tag_sortable_records) aligned_segments = (r.record for r in sorted_records) return aligned_segments
[docs]def verify_sort(records: Iterable[TagSortableRecord], tag_keys: Iterable[str]) -> None: """Raise AssertionError if the given records are not correctly sorted by the given tags and query name""" # Setting tag values and query name to empty string ensures first record will never be less than old_record old_record = TagSortableRecord( tag_keys=tag_keys, tag_values=["" for _ in tag_keys], query_name="", record=None ) i = 0 for record in records: i += 1 if not record >= old_record: msg = "Records {0} and {1} are not in correct order:\n{1}:{2} \nis less than \n{0}:{3}" raise SortError(msg.format(i - 1, i, record, old_record)) old_record = record
[docs]class SortError(Exception): pass